For many sports and fitness enthusiasts, the height of the pandemic was a particularly difficult time as pitches, leisure centres and other facilities were forced to close overnight.

But for swimming clubs it was perhaps even tougher, with a whole host of measures remaining in place even after restrictions were lifted.

While swimmers were grateful to get back in the pool, there remained a feeling of tension and anxiety in the air.

However, following a challenging couple of years, Dereham Otters is well on the road to bouncing back and entering an exciting new era.

Talented coach Liam Harvey recently joined to head up the successful programme. He and his team of volunteer coaches have been delighted to see the pool buzzing with enthusiastic youngsters once again.

"When people came back to swimming pools, you had to give swimmers the impression they could relax, rather than feel tense," said Mr Harvey.

"You can see the impact Covid has had, but swimmer numbers are picking up - even over the last couple of weeks."

On his plans for the Otters, he added: "We're looking to make this a club that develops swimmers from the bottom end all the way through to the top end.

"Personally, I think it's great to see swimmers go from the very beginning of the programme - when they're aged seven or eight - all the way through to our competitive squads.

"Hopefully, linking in with the leisure centre, we can create a platform to build an even bigger programme."

Covid aside, the Otters also spent a significant period away from Dereham while repairs were carried out at their home pool.

That meant numerous trips to Thetford and Norwich for training, while the annual Iceni gala - the club's biggest fundraiser - had to be cancelled for two consecutive years.

Earlier this month, however, the gala returned, welcoming 296 swimmers competing across 26 events.

Committee member Alison Brown added: "Getting back in the pool at Dereham was fantastic for all the swimmers.

"Liam has come in and he's got a wealth of experience. The youngsters have come back with a renewed enthusiasm and they are really engaged with their swimming. I can see a really positive future for the club."