Bin workers in two areas of Norfolk have called off planned strike action after a "huge" pay rise was agreed, Unison has said.

According to the union, Serco workers in North Norfolk and Breckland have secured a two-year deal which includes a 20pc rise for the lowest-paid staff.

It follows months of talks since October last year which led to workers downing in tools for a week in March due to frustrations over pay.

Dereham Times: Binmen on strike in North Norfolk in March. Binmen on strike in North Norfolk in March. (Image: Sonya Duncan)

Unison Eastern regional organiser Cameron Matthews said: “Serco has spent the last few years raking in millions of profits while subjecting Norfolk workers to real-term pay cuts and rock-bottom wages.

“But refuse, street cleansing, grounds maintenance and cleansing workers in North Norfolk and Breckland have stuck together to win a massive pay rise.

“These vital workers still deserve more — that’s why the vote to accept was so close — but they’ve won a huge victory by joining together in Unison.”

READ MORE: Workers at University of East Anglia threaten strike action

Unison said the pay package includes a new basic rate of £14.31 an hour, rising from £10.56 in March 2022.

Unison members voted 55pc in favour of the new offer, which also applies to Serco workers in King's Lynn. 

Peter Aylward, regional director for Serco Environmental Services, said: “We are pleased that Unison has accepted our latest offer and further strike action has been averted.”

The past 12 months have seen a wave of strike action across the public service sector amid a cost of living crisis that has seen inflation rise while wages stagnate.

From nurses to teachers, workers have taken to the picket line on numerous occasions demanding better working conditions and fairer pay. 

Strikes by railway workers continue to rumble on, with the latest bout of action coinciding with the FA Cup and the school half-term.

And amid threats of looming redundancies, workers at the University of East Anglia could walk out late this year.