Work to dual sections of the A47 can now begin following a long-running court battle - after an environmental campaigner lost his final attempt to block the schemes.

The UK Supreme Court has turned down former Green city and county councillor Dr Andrew Boswell's application for his legal challenge over the Norfolk schemes to be heard there.

It means work to dual sections of the A47 between North Tuddenham and Easton and from Blofield to North Burlingham can now start.

Dereham Times: Dr Andrew Boswell's bid to take his A47 legal challenge to the Supreme Court has been rejectedDr Andrew Boswell's bid to take his A47 legal challenge to the Supreme Court has been rejected (Image: Dan Grimmer)

Officials at National Highways - the government company responsible for the road - had been forced to pause work on the projects, along with a revamp of Thickthorn roundabout on the edge of Norwich, because of the long-running court battle.

They said Dr Boswell's challenge had delayed the projects by 20 months and added tens of millions of pounds to the their costs, due to soaring inflation,

Dr Boswell had already seen his crowdfunded case thrown out by the High Court and the Court of Appeal, where judges described it as having "no logical basis" and "an air of complete unreality".

But he sought permission to take his argument - that the government acted unlawfully in approving the schemes because it did not properly consider the cumulative environmental impacts - to the Supreme Court.

Dereham Times: Stalled work on the A47 at North BurlinghamStalled work on the A47 at North Burlingham (Image: Mike Page)

The Supreme Court - the highest court in the land - rejected his case, meaning Dr Boswell has no further legal avenues to explore.

Dr Boswell said: "I'm disappointed with this decision but I am much more disappointed for our children and grandchildren who will have to live with a rapidly destabilising climate.

Dereham Times: Thickthorn roundaboutThickthorn roundabout (Image: Mike Page)

"When transport creates more carbon pollution than anything else we do, it is not okay to build four road schemes together in Norfolk and not even attempt to assess the combined climate damage.

"Bad decisions today mean dire consequences tomorrow.  To reduce the scale of future damages, the new government must make better decisions on all plans involving impacts on the climate.”

Matthew McFeeley, solicitor at Richard Buxton Solicitors, who represented Dr Boswell, said: "This was an important case which sought to clarify the scope of the legal requirements to assess the climate impact of related projects.

"The cumulative assessment requirements appear to have very little bite after the Supreme Court's decision.

"It will be a question for government whether the current approach is fit for purpose going forward."

Dr Boswell had come under political pressure to drop his legal challenge.

MPs and councillors have urged him to abandon his "lost cause" which they say is needlessly costing taxpayers money.

Dereham Times: Mid Norfolk MP George FreemanMid Norfolk MP George Freeman (Image: PA)

Dr Boswell was branded a "hypocrite" by Mid Norfolk Conservative MP George Freeman, whose constituency includes a long stretch of the A47, after it emerged the former UEA academic drove a carbon-emitting petrol car rather than an electric vehicle.

Amid uncertainty over the legal case, National Highways had been restricted to what work it could do on the A47 schemes.

National Highways was restricted to activities, such as archaeological studies and re-routing utilities, such as water and electricity.