Plans for four homes behind the Boots store in Dereham Market Place are facing objections from the town council. 

The illustrative application, submitted by Clere House Developments Ltd, outlines potential plans for "four houses with associated parking spaces and garden amenity areas". 

The company, who own the land of the proposed development, hope to build in the open area situated behind Boots at 35 Market Place in Dereham. 

Outline plans for where Clere House Developments Limited would like to establish four homes with garden amenity areas.Outline plans for where Clere House Developments Limited would like to establish four homes with garden amenity areas. (Image: Design Foresightful Architecture Limited Architects)
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According to the report, a car park, which is used for those living at La Casita to the east of the site, "has very poor accessibility" and would require new access from Georges Road, which is discussed in the proposal. 

The existing access from Thompsons Way is described as "too narrow with no passing places".

The company's proposal therefore outlines the removal of an existing 1.8-metre-high wall to improve accessibility to the site.

"Redirecting traffic movements to the proposal site from Georges Road would therefore serve the dual function of creating a much safer access for existing users of Thompsons Way, whilst delivering four much needed dwellings in a highly sustainable location," said RTPI, a chartered town planner, on behalf of Clere House Developments.

The view of the rear of 35 Market Place, Dereham, from within the car park.The view of the rear of 35 Market Place, Dereham, from within the car park. (Image: Google Maps)
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However, Dereham Town Council has objected to the application on the basis that the area is "designated for retail development", and buildings for residential purposes would remove business growth from the area.

The council also raised concerns that the development was "unacceptably dense" and it would "reduce parking for shoppers".

Caroline Schofield, who lives on Olney Road, also said that the removal of trees and vegetation to make way for the housing would "disturb a well established group of hedgehogs, which live and forage up and down Olney Road and in that parking area."

Breckland Council will have the final say on the plans.