Police were called after a teenage girl climbed up onto a pub roof and began lobbing tiles into the beer garden below. 

The bizarre incident happened at the Romany Rye in Dereham, on Friday afternoon. 

She is understood to have clambered on to the roof via a fire escape on the side of the pub building.

The fire service was also called to the scene. 

The fire escape on the side of the pub.The fire escape on the side of the pub. (Image: Newsquest)
Witnesses have described the "commotion" on the street outside the pub. 

One said: "I got here around 3.30pm and there were police cars in the middle of the street, and a fire engine at the end.

 "I think she had been throwing roof tiles into the beer garden because there's a fire escape on the side of the pub that looks into the garden.

"It was quite a commotion."

Staff at the Wetherspoon pub confirmed that a girl had been throwing objects from the roof on Friday but declined to comment further.

Police have been approached for a comment.