A town council is hoping to bring more traders to its market days with a new incentive to cut rent. 

Dereham Town Council has begun trying to attract more traders to its Tuesday market days by introducing a decrease in stall rent. 

The town hosts markets on Tuesdays and Fridays, with the Tuesday markets being the quieter of the two. 

Gina Snow, Dereham Town Council officer, said: "Councillors have decided it is time to try to supercharge the Tuesday market with eye-catching discounts on tolls being charged."

The incentive is spearheaded by the Markets and Buildings Committee, which is led by Cllr Stuart Green.

Stuart Green is the chairman of the Markets and Buildings Committee, which is spearheading the Tuesday market incentive.Stuart Green is the chairman of the Markets and Buildings Committee, which is spearheading the Tuesday market incentive. (Image: Archant)
Mrs Snow said: "The aim would be to have as many traders as possible on a regular basis.

"There have been incentives in the past for new traders but it was felt that something new was needed to revive the Tuesday market."

The new incentive offers £5 for the first 10ft of a pitch - which usually costs £1.18 per foot - for at least six months.

There are also several discounts in place for casual traders - a 50pc discount after their first four weeks of attendance and a 25pc discount for the following four weeks.

If a trader attends regularly for a three-month period, they are eligible to apply for Permanent Trader status, which is charged at £0.94 per foot per market

In addition to the discounts, the new incentive could help traders save over £100.

Mrs Snow said: "An average gazebo is 10ft, therefore usually costing £11.80 per market.

"With the new incentive, the trader would be charged £5 per Tuesday market.

"For example, for a 10ft stall attending every Tuesday over the initial six-month incentive period, they would be charged a total of £120.

More Tuesday traders could increase footfall across the town's centre.More Tuesday traders could increase footfall across the town's centre.
"This 10ft stall would usually cost £11.80 per market, over a six-month period, and with the original discount scheme, they would be charged £247.80."

Mrs Snow said the incentive has been implemented for all current Tuesday traders, and is being applied to all new Tuesday market applicants.

She said: "We will soon be advertising the new incentive on our social media pages."