Norfolk teenager Emma Dolan is celebrating the biggest win of her career after becoming the British women's under-54kg youth champion.

Dereham Times: Boxer Emma Dolan who has just become British under-56kg youth champion.PHOTO BY SIMON FINLAYBoxer Emma Dolan who has just become British under-56kg youth champion.PHOTO BY SIMON FINLAY (Image: ARCHANT NORFOLK)

The Easton & Otley College student, who boxes for Lowestoft Amateur Boxing Club, received a late call-up to box for England in the GB Three Nations in Cardiff – and walked away with a gold medal.

Dolan, 17, faced Scottish under-54kg youth women's champion Vicky Glover, from Druries Boxing Club in Glasgow.

From the first bell both boxers moved to the centre of the ring giving each other a lot of respect as they traded their first punches.

Dolan, from Hockering, near Dereham, tried to force the action but Glover was more than able to move easily out of range of her punches and snapped back with her own punches to Dolan's head and body time and again.

The action was intense but it was the Scottish boxer who was scoring well while the Norfolk boxer's punches were falling short giving the first round to Glover.

The second round saw a different story as the former Dereham Neatherd High School pupil found her range with accurate punches of her own forcing Glover back across the ring.

Taking control of the centre of the ring, the England boxer upped her work rate and forced her opponent against the ropes where they traded combination punches, but suddenly Dolan landed a perfect left and right to the Scottish' champions jaw, which saw her slip to the canvas unable to continue.

Colin Stephenson, from Lowestoft ABC, was full of praise for the youngster following her success.

'Emma's got a lot potential, we've still got a lot of hard work ahead of us but as she has shown in the lead up to this, she is determined and has her sights sets on boxing for England on a long-term basis,' Stephenson said.

'What more can I say about the little lady?! We're just very pleased to have her at the club.'

Dolan is a member of the England Talent Programme and, locally, is also a member of the Young Norfolk Sports Academy initiative run by Norwich School.

The programme, supported by local businesses, is for youngsters ranked in the top 10 of their sport for their age group and helps with education and training knowledge.

'To achieve in anything in this sport you have to live the life you have to if you want to be successful,' Stephenson continued. 'Emma is coming up to her 18th birthday in a few weeks' time and is setting aside clubbing and all that with her friends because she's very determined and she knows what she wants.

'Like a week before she was due to box, she was a few kilos overweight, and through determination she got herself down to the weight through hard work.

'She's struggled with the weight problem but got it under control and that's down to her determination to succeed.'